【报名 | Register】
截止日期 | Closing Date :
15/7/2021 星期四 | Thursday
报名管道 | Register Thru:
本会秘书处 | Pahang Buddhist Association Secretariat
费用 | Fee:
秘书处办公时间 Office Hours:
每天 | Everyday
9:00am - 5:00pm
09-573 9644
012-583 9644 | Whatsapp
【考试 | Examination】
日期 | Date :31/8/2021 星期二 | Tuesday
时间 | Time : 2.00pm
地点 | Venue:网上 | Online
媒介语 | Medium:中文,英文 | Mandarin & English
组别 | Stages:启蒙、初级、中级、高级 | Preliminary, Junior, Senior, Higher
There is no age limit for any stage of the examination; candidate may choose to sit for any stage.
A candidate is NOT ALLOWED to sit for TWO PAPERS AT SAME TIME.
【奖励 | Prizes】
1. 考试及格者获得文凭(证书)
Exam certificate will be awarded to candidates who pass the examination.
2. 全国优秀考生获赠免费佛教刊物一年 (如佛教文摘、无尽灯或 Eastern Horizon 等)
One year subscription of free Buddhist publications (e.g. Buddhist Digest, Everlasting Light or Eastern Horizon etc.) will be awarded to the national best candidates.
3. 受马来西亚教育部承认,可加入课外活动分数。
Recognized by Ministry of Education, marks can be added in PAJSK.
【参考资料 | Reading Materials】
1. 考试资讯与范围
Scope of examination and Relevant Information
2. 过去资料
Past Information
3. 历届考题
Past years papers